Perfect storage for small and delicate tools
Calipers, pencils, drill tips, nail sets, a marking knife - the list of smaller tools in your shop is long and likely to grow. You need a handy place to store all these items, and having them close to your bench is a good call. The Craftsman's Tool Chest fits the bill perfectly and looks great as well!
In this woodworking video you'll learn:
- Easy methods for beautiful grain matching
- The technique (and how to make the jig) for cutting perfect finger joints on the table saw
- About making a light and clever drawer joint
- How to make and hang drawers for maximum storage space
- The simple steps to add attractive bracket feel
- And much more!
This beautiful chest will easily hold jewelry and other small collectibles, so plan on building two!
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About the Host:
Alan Turner is the founder of Philadelphia Furniture Workshop and has been working wood for about 50 years. Over the years, Turner honed his skills as an amateur, and when his family’s homes were filled with his work, he hung out a shingle as a studio furniture maker. This is his third video with Popular Woodworking.