At last, you can put to use every inch of valuable storage space with this Under-the-Saw Cabinet. Quick, Christmas is coming and you've got no time to build those highboys you promised, so buy some time by building these Traditional Hanging Shelves. Professional turner Charles Turnage shows you how to set up your lathe to turn a set of nice Turned Bottle Stoppers. With our plans and photos, just about anyone can build this stunning American Corner Cabinet. Give the young ones in your life an early start in woodworking with this nice set of safe wooden hand tools in A Craftsman's First Toolbox. Biscuits, plywood and edge-banding make it easy to build a contemporary Mobile File Cabinet. A basic class in Using the Shaper ensures you'll make lots of moulding safely by taking the right precautions. Plus our personal list of the Best New Tools of 2002, Tricks of the Trade, Flexner on Finishing, Tool Test, and more!