Now you can download "Essential Guide to Routers," from Popular Woodworking magazine. It's in an easy-to-search pdf format that works on almost all computers equipped with the free Acrobat Reader program. The issue is compatible with PCs, Macs and many other computers.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a large file that is best downloaded with a broadband connection, such as DSL or a cable modem.
Inside, you'll find the all the information you need to use your router like a pro, including:
• A router table you can make in your shop for just $50
• Step-by-step instruction on creating housed dovetail joints
• A versatile and valuable shop-made system of router guides
• Real-world router tests from a professional cabinet and furniture maker
• Plus our seven-chapter Woodworking Essentials series on the router from Nick Engler
• And more!