Join Shannon Rogers for a recorded web seminar on choosing your lumber.
This recorded web seminar is designed to break down the fear and mystery of our favorite medium and teach some basics about how wood moves and why.
By understanding and looking for 4 elements common to every species, you can quickly assess how a certain wood will work and whether or not it will be right for your next project. Many woodworkers are still in the dark about the one material we all use. This recorded live seminar will get you working wood - instead of worrying about how it will move and whether it will be strong enough. The system you learn for reading and interpreting wood data sheets will allow you to find a good wood to use anywhere in the world - and encourage you to "branch" out into new species.
About Shannon Rogers
Shannon Rogers is a certified hand tool nut. What remaining sanity he had went out the window after he built his 4th foot-powered lathe. It is this overzealous love of hand tools however that led him on a search to find the best hand-tool woods and to create a system for determining how any wood will work. He is currently the owner and head dishwasher at The Hand Tool School, a virtual hand tool-only woodworking school, and the director of marketing for the J. Gibson McIlvain Company, a lumber importer and dealer founded in 1798. It is his love of woodworking, combined with his insider take on the lumber industry, that drives him to educate other woodworkers about the enticing mystery of wood.