This PDF compilation of outdoor projects features vintage projects from Popular Woodworking Magazine that have stood the test of time – the "Nostalgic Porch Swing" featured on the cover, for example, is as useful today as it was in 1995 when we first printed the article – and in 1950 when our parents or grandparents may have sipped lemonade swinging on the porch.
Inside Outdoor Projects, you'll find 12 projects you can make for your home and garden:
- Painted porch swing
- Folding stool (that you can scale up for a matching table)
- Two planters
- Three trellis projects for climbing plants or garden decoration
- Handy garden cart
- Inexpensive potting bench (and trug)
- Cute bungalow mailbox
- And just for fun, boomerangs!
Order your copy of Outdoor Projects now!