Our cover story for the June 2011 issue of Popular Woodworking is on the stacking bookcases of Monticello. Editor Christopher Schwarz builds reproductions of the book boxes that held the foundation for the Library of Congress.
The editors submit for your approval the 130 best books on woodworking. Fight ignorance in just 15 minutes a day with our collection of these must-haves.
Senior Editor Glen D. Huey uses unconventional techniques to build a traditional inlaid tea caddy.
Author Jim Tolpin shares the secrets of the sector. Just two sticks and one hinge will eliminate math and layout errors in your work.
Discover how Gary Rogowski uses simple tools, techniques and joinery to deliver elegant results in this ash jewelry box.
Executive Editor Robert W. Lang shows how to choose and make full use of a must-have measuring and layout tool — the combination square.
In this month's Tool Test, we check out the new set of Sweet Heart Chisels from Stanley, the new Wenzloff & Sons no-set saw and the new Grex brad nailer.
In Design Matters, George R. Walker profiles toolmaker and furniture designer Konrad Sauer.
In our ever popular I Can Do That section, Robert W. Lang makes a set of stacking boxes to fit your books — and your space.
Bob Flexner discusses lacquer thinner in Flexner on Finishing.
Roy Anderson discusses his personal woodworking philosophy in Workshop Radicals.