Caleb James’ Folding Lounge Chair – an homage to Hans Weger – is the cover story for the June issue in the first of a two-parter. Here, he shows you how to build the frame of this Danish Modern-inspired piece (in the August 2017 issue, he’ll show how to weave the paper cord seat and back).
Alf Sharp shares his technique for a French polish that looks traditional but takes a shortcut – plus, he cuts through some of the mystery surrounding this historic finish.
In Dovetailed Dustpan, Christopher Schwarz teaches some of tricks for better dovetails as he builds a practical and stylish shop project – and no worries if your joinery isn’t perfect. Either way, it’ll end up in the trash (so to speak).
Chairmaker Greg Pennington shows how to drill compound angles correctly every time with the help of inexpensive line lasers – plus an excerpt from Peter Galbert’s “Chairmaker’s Notebook” helps you get the best grind on your drill bits to make the mortising work go smoothly.
Meet Robert and Yvonne Van Norman and take a tour of Inside Passage – their British Columbia school for cabinetmakers that is inspired by the legendary James Krenov.
Plus, we take a look a Axe Carbide turning tools, 3M deburring wheels and Buck Bros. chisels in Tool Test; Peter Follansbee shares his new shop in Arts & Mysteries; Bob Flexner comments on the EPA and regulations on paint strippers; and Daniel Clausen writes about his experience taking a beginner woodworking class in End Grain.
Alf Sharp shares his technique for a French polish that looks traditional but takes a shortcut – plus, he cuts through some of the mystery surrounding this historic finish.
In Dovetailed Dustpan, Christopher Schwarz teaches some of tricks for better dovetails as he builds a practical and stylish shop project – and no worries if your joinery isn’t perfect. Either way, it’ll end up in the trash (so to speak).
Chairmaker Greg Pennington shows how to drill compound angles correctly every time with the help of inexpensive line lasers – plus an excerpt from Peter Galbert’s “Chairmaker’s Notebook” helps you get the best grind on your drill bits to make the mortising work go smoothly.
Meet Robert and Yvonne Van Norman and take a tour of Inside Passage – their British Columbia school for cabinetmakers that is inspired by the legendary James Krenov.
Plus, we take a look a Axe Carbide turning tools, 3M deburring wheels and Buck Bros. chisels in Tool Test; Peter Follansbee shares his new shop in Arts & Mysteries; Bob Flexner comments on the EPA and regulations on paint strippers; and Daniel Clausen writes about his experience taking a beginner woodworking class in End Grain.