Charismatic and innovative, woodworker Roy Underhill has been educating and entertaining people with his unrivaled knowledge of traditional hand tools and woodworking techniques for more than 30 years. Whether you're a life-long woodworker, new to it, or rediscovering the joy of woodworking all over again, you're sure to find inspiration, encouragement and valuable information every moment you spend with Roy. Join Roy for season 10, in these episodes:
- Rocking Horse - Roy welcomes his daughter Eleanor into the shop to help him build a rough-hewn rocking horse of traditional German design.
- Beat Your Ash Basketry - Guest Jonathan Kline visits the shop to show how to create a traditional Black Ash basket, stripping the material from the log, using the annual rings to their best advantage.
- Revolving Bookcase - Build an early 19th-Century revolving bookcase that holds an amazing number of books.
- Timber Building in Franconia - Roy visits the Franconian Open-air Museum in Bavaria to look at Franconian woodworking, timber framing and craftsmanship, dating back to the middle ages.
- Secrets of German Woodcraft - Roy is again at the Franconian Open-air Museum to look at building and woodworking techniques form early German traditions.
- Make A Garden Gate - Roy builds an open-frame garden gate.
- Hooks, Crooks and Walking Sticks - One of Roy's passions is walking sticks, and in this episode he shows how to make a walking stick that comes with its own built-in flute.
- Make A Music Mill From Bali - Build a charming wind-powered, bamboo music mill, recreating a design from the island of Bali.
- Dovetailing in the Tool Chest - Roy revisits an earlier tool chest project to show the value and importance of dovetailing in the interior trays and compartments.
- As The Wood Turns - Roy gives us an overview on turning and of three lathes: a spring-pole lathe, a folding spring-pole lathe and a foot-treadle flywheel lathe.
- A Boat to Build with the Kids - Rachel Underhill joins her dad in the shop to make a canvass and wood kayak.
- A Rake's Progress - Roy does some repair work on one of his 10-year-old rakes, taking the opportunity to highlight the strength of wood when using the grain correctly.
- Making Wooden Shoes - Guest Bob Siegel visits the shop to share his unique knowledge of making wooden shoes using only four traditional tools.